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MON - THU: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
FRI: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

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Share accounts are available to all members placing the $5.00 par value in his/her account. There is a $1.00 entrance fee.

Take advantage of convenient payroll deductions or direct deposit from your employer to save for education or special purchases.

Dividends are declared quarterly by the Board of Directors. Statements are issued quarterly. The declared dividend rate is paid equally on all Share, Christmas and Vacation Accounts based on the AVERAGE DAILY BALANCE compounded in each quarter.

A $50.00 minimum balance is required in the Share Account to receive dividends. There is no minimum balance required in the Christmas and Vacation Accounts.

Vacation Clubs

Vacations Clubs are offered to all members beginning and ending at the member’s discretion.

Christmas Clubs

Christmas Clubs are offered to all members beginning the second week of October and transferred to share accounts the last day of the following September. There is a $5.00 fee for each early withdrawal.

Share Drafts

There is no minimum balance; no monthly fees and your first 50 checks are on us! Please refer to the separate Share Draft Policy available with your application.